
FinFix was established to offer tools and services that help banks improve compliance and homeowners to protect their investments. (est. 2024)

The FinFix Foundation

The FinFix Foundation was founded in 2014 to bring economic parity to financial services. It is the sister organization to the FinFix firm.



FinFix Flagship Products

FinFix delivers solutions to help our clients and stakeholders.

Property & Homeowners

Optimize their returns and help protect against fraud.

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Increase compliance and avoid regulatory fees

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Investors & Regulators

Identify risks and navigate the flow of financing

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FinFix offers unifying s olutions between banks and homeowners to create win-win monitoring of investments in properties.

Mortgage Assessment The FinFix Foundation offers a mortgage assessment survey to homeowners. Participants receive preliminary reports on the status of their property.

Fin Framework Model Mortgage profitability can be a moving target for banks, mortgage companies and administrators. Likewise, the real, long term cost of mortgages can be misunderstood by mortgage holders (mortgagor). Front loaded amortizations, variable interest rates, the secondary market for mortgage-backed securities, accounting techniques that can misconstrue valuations (see IFRS & AICPA), title and note vulnerabilities are just a few of the phenomena that make it difficult to manage and forecast profitability.

The Fin Framework Model considers these and other factors to product scenarios of mortgage profitability over a 30 year period. Its proprietary algorithm adjusts for securitization and other transaction costs, prepayment of mortgages, change of services and other factors. The user can select typical interest rates, principal amounts, terms of mortgages, number of mortgages in the portfolio.

The Fin Framework Model captures relevant factors in four modules: an Amortization module, a Pooling Replication module, a Servicing/Market/Administration algorithm that fees the Profit and Loss Life Cycle Module

This model can assist in compliance management, risk monitoring and assessment, operations maintenance, portfolio restructuring and more. The analyst may change factors in the dashboard to view potential outcomes of different scenario. Reports include Cash Flow Projections, Profitability estimates, and amortizations.

Property & Homeowners

The mortgage safety assessment process begins by collecting information from the homeowner; we then match their information against publicly available data and perform a preliminary analysis of the mortgage and property. If abnormalities exist that suggest potential fraud, or if the mortgagee’s financial position might be improved, it will be provided in a report sent to the email entered in the survey The respondent can request to be contacted by one or more of our vetted firms that might help.

Mortgage from Homeowner


U.S. mortgage balances were $12.4 trillion in 2023. The US MortgageBacked Securities market has more than $11 trillion of securities outstanding and nearly $300 billion in average daily trading volume. The market size is staggering. Vulnerabilities in our financial system have been harming the poor and middle class while satiating banks, mortgage companies and wealthy investors. There is innocence on both sides. FinFix offers products and services that will help everyone.

The FinFix compliance improvement tools will:

  • Increase customer satisfaction & patronage
  • Reduce risk
  • Stabilize cash flow
  • Reduce amount & risk of penalties and fines
Compliance Improvement

Investors & Regulators

The speed through which transactions move through our financial system can often exceed the ability of investors and regulators to react. FinFix uses the Flow of Financing framework and our FinFramework model to anticipate and identify acts that can create and propagate losses.

Risk Identification

Mortgage Assessment for Homeowners

FinFix offers unifying solutions between banks and homeowners to create winwin monitoring of investments in properties. Homeowners can participate in our Mortgage Assessment Survey to receive preliminary reports on the status of their property. After receiving their report, if the homeowner requests a consultation, they can speak with an advisor to learn more about potential pitfalls and protection tools. If, and only if, the homeowner agrees, they can be referred to a financial institution that may help them. Homeowners and Property Owners an Take the Assessment at

How it works: The mortgage safety assessment process begins by collecting information from the homeowner; we then match their information against publicly available data and perform a preliminary analysis of the mortgage and property. If abnormalities exist that suggest potential fraud, or if the mortgagee’s financial position might be improved, it will be provided in a report sent to the email entered in the survey The respondent can request to be contacted by one or more of our vetted firms that might help.

Compliance Improvement

FinFix offers expertise and research to help banks and financial institutions to adhere to regulatory requirements and identify when firms selling and administering products on their balance sheets, are not operating with clean hands. Our FinFramework model helps our experts and clients to flag areas of potential concern. Our team of recognized experts in finance assist our clients to identify potential improprieties in financial transactions and statements.

The FinFix compliance improvement tools will:

  • Increase customer satisfaction & patronage
  • Reduce risk
  • Stabilize cash flow
  • Reduce amount & risk of penalties and fines

Risk Identification

FinFix offers tools and expertise to help investors and regulators and research anticipate and identify acts that subvert the financial system, intentionally or unwittingly.

FinFix Team

U.S. mortgage balances were $12.4 trillion in 2023. The US Mortgage-Backed Securities market has more than $11 trillion of securities outstanding and nearly $300 billion in average daily trading volume. Vulnerabilities in our financial system harm some investors while benefitting others. There is innocence on all sides. The FinFix team offers products and services that can help our clients and their allies.

FinFix Staff
Veronica A. Williams
BSz, ??????
AS, Head of Delivery
T. L., Attorney
LA. , Bookkeeping

Business Partners

Areas of Expertise
Financial Analysts
Financial Administrators
Operations Experts
IT Analysts & Techs


FinFix tools help property and homeowners to build their investment until they decide to sell, reducing risks to owners and banks. FinFix expertise and tools help sponsors capture a larger portion of the mortgage market, profitably and ethically. Sponsors can enjoy numerous benefits:

Radio Spots

Qualified, Opt-in Leads
Qualified & Categorized


FinFramework Model
1 user 5x/week
1 user 10x/week
10 users 5x/week
10 users/10x week

Ask the Experts
One Scenario
Three Scenarios
Five Scenarios
Ten Scenarios
Online = 1 inquiry
Email = 1 email
Phone = 30 minutes